Chairperson of the LNIBDC Board

Chief Stuart Jackson
Chief “kʷúkʷpiʔ” Stuart Jackson was born and raised in Merritt, British Columbia and is a member of the Lower Nicola Indian Band of the Nlaka’pamux “Nłeʔkepmx” Nation.
Stuart was first elected as Chief of the Lower Nicola Indian Band Council in 2019 and re-elected Chief in 2023, a position he currently holds. Prior to being elected Chief, Stuart had previously served seven (7) terms as an elected Councilor to the Lower Nicola Indian Band Council from 1997 to 2013. In addition to Stuart’s elected representative experience, he was employed at the Highland Valley Copper mine in the District of Logan Lake for several years and prior to that he worked in Education. In addition to Chief Stuart Jackson’s responsibilities to the Lower Nicola Indian Band, he is also the Chairperson of the LNIB Development Corporation’s Board of Directors, a position he has held for the past six years; and a Director to Shulus Electricity Transmission Line, Spayum Developments, and the Nicola Native Elders Lodge in Merritt. In his spare time, Stuart enjoys playing hockey and a good round of golf.
LNIB Development Corporation Board of Directors
The Board is comprised of the Chairperson and five Directors. The Board guides and directs the General Manager, the
investment strategy and portfolio. Board of Directors as of February 2024 are:
Chris Scott
Chris Scott is a colleague of Chief Clarence Louie and past Chief Operating Officer of the Osoyoos Indian Band Development Corporation and past acting Chief Executive Officer/Business Advisor of the Penticton Indian Band Development Corporation, where he remains in the volunteer position as Economic Development Advisor; and he was also a Director for six years to the Fortis BC Board of Directors. Chris currently sits on a number of First Nation Economic Development Boards as a Director. Mostly notably, he is Director with the LNIB Development Corporation’s Board of Directors, a position he has held since 2015; as well as a Director for Shulus Electricity Transmission Line; the Lower Nicola Site Services & Ogilvie Mountain Holdings Board and a Director to Spayum Developments where he is actively engaged in developing the Hwy #5 – Exit 286 project in Merritt. In his spare time, Chris enjoys growing his award-winning grapes at his home in the Okanagan.
Dennis Coates
Dennis Coates is currently a senior associate with MJB Lawyer, a Kamloops Law Firm where he became a partner to its predecessor in 1982; and then appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1987. He earned his Bachelor of Commerce and Law degrees from UBC in 1967 at the top of his class.
Dennis has extensive experience in First Nations business development, joint venturing, and legal structuring. Dennis has been a Director with the LNIB Development Corporation since its inaugural meeting in 2013 and continues to hold the official position of Corporate Secretary. Dennis is also a Director for the Shulus Electricity Transmission Line; the Lower Nicola Site Services & Oglivie Mountain Holdings; the Kamloops Sports Legacy Fund and, the Wings Above Kamloops Cooper Family Foundation. Dennis has a passion for hockey and has been involved with the WHL for more than 40 years. In 2014 he was the recipient of the WHL Distinguished Service Award for the 2013 – 14 season.
Michael Moses
Michael joined the LNIB Development Corporation Board of Directors in 2023.
Michael Moses is a member of the Lower Nicola Indian Band. He is a current Councilor for the City of Williams Lake and Chairs their Community Services Committee along with representing the city on the Social Planning Council and the Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society. In his role as Director at large for the North Central Local Government Association, Michael works as an advocate for over 40 local governments in North Central British Columbia. Michael attended SFU’s Beedie School of Business for Digital Innovation and Leadership and uses the knowledge gained in his work as an entrepreneur of a digital marketing company, which focuses on assisting Indigenous-owned businesses.
Brad Carr
Brad joined the LNIB Development Corporation’s Board of Directors in 2023.
Brad graduated from the University of Alberta in 1977 where he earned his bachelor’s degree in Anthropology. He has comprehensive experience and knowledge of the Forest and Natural Resources sector in the Province of British Columbia having spent over 30+ years working in the industry. He also has a strong financial background having been employed for many years as the Accountant with various companies, such as Ledcor Resource & Transportation; Ardew Wood Products; Adwood Manufacturing, and Craigmont Mines. Brad also spent four years as a Director for the Upper Nicola Band’s Nicola Pacific Joint Venture. Brad is committed to lifelong learning and continual personal development.
Marshal Polykovskiy
Marshal joined the LNIB Development Corporation’s Board of Directors in 2024.
He is a member of the Lower Nicola Indian Band. Marshal completed his Masters in Business Administration from Thompson Rivers University and is currently the Manager of Communications & Engagement for the Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly (“CNA” ) in Merritt, British Columbia. Marshal’s previous work experience included Manager of Marketing, Communications, & Events at the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology where he helped support and promote indigenous education. Marshal also has previous experience as a committee member for the Indigenization Committee, the Employee Wellness Committee, and the Strategic Enrollment Management Committee. In addition to joining the LNIB Development Corporation, Marshal was also appointed as Director to the Lower Nicola Site Services & Oglivie Mountain Holdings Board of Directors.